 818-992-0756 Cyrus Bandary, DMD
Prosthodontist | IAOMT Accredited

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry | Porcelain Crowns | Porcelain Fixed Bridges | Porcelain Veneers | Inlays and Onlays | Smile Makeover | Teeth Whitening

Enhance Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry in Woodland Hills

women smiling with red lips and straight, white teeth.

A beautiful, memorable smile can greatly improve your self-esteem and help you maintain optimal oral health. At our Woodland Hills dental practice skilled and trusted prosthodontist Cyrus Bandary, DMD, provides exceptional cosmetic and restorative dental care treatments. Each personalized solution is precisely designed to ensure teeth retain long-lasting health, beauty, and function for a lifetime.

Whether you are looking to address tooth discoloration or correct more complex dental issues, Dr. Bandary and his team offer a wide range of individualized treatment plans to all patients throughout the Los Angeles community. For personable and skilled cosmetic dental care, we encourage you to call our office today!


Aesthetic Dental Care Solutions from Dr. Cyrus Bandary

Dr. Bandary and his team believe that patients deserve to experience optimal oral health as well as a truly radiant smile. New and existing patients visiting our Woodland Hills practice have many options for enhancing the natural beauty of their smile including:

Chairside Professional Teeth Whitening

Our personalized, chairside teeth whitening treatment offers complete comfort as Dr. Bandary monitors the professional-grade whitening gel until your smile reaches the desired shade. Enamel color can typically lift several shades in one visit, depending on the severity of your tooth discoloration.

Addressing Deep Decay with Inlays and Onlays

Deep cavities cannot always be treated with traditional fillings. Inlays and onlays each treat different types of decay. Inlays fit inside the cusp of the tooth, whereas onlays are designed to restore both the inside of the tooth and one or more of the outer cusps.

Smile Uniformity with Porcelain Veneers

We provide porcelain veneers to conceal minor to mild dental limitations such as gaps, malalignment, chips, and severe tooth discoloration. Patients can have imperfections addressed and enjoy the benefits of a more uniform smile.

Complete Rejuvenation with Smile Makeover Treatment

Patients who have dental issues that are significant can find multi-treatment smile makeover plans prepared by Dr. Bandary to address all their concerns. By combining a personalized approach with proven treatments, our dentist can entirely redesign the appearance of a patient’s smile.

Top-Quality Prosthetics for Addressing Missing Teeth

From traditional bridges and restorations to permanent, implant-supported prosthetics, Dr. Bandary specializes in long-lasting, reliable replacement of missing teeth.

Each prosthetic, including our porcelain crowns and bridges, are created using the highest-quality aesthetic materials. Bridges utilize neighboring teeth that are covered with crowns to support the artificial tooth. This prosthetic device can also be fabricated to fit onto a permanent dental implant for added stability without compromising adjacent healthy teeth.

Patients in need of entire tooth replacement with our implant-supported bridges, dentures, and crowns benefit significantly from having both their dental implant posts and prosthetic placed in-house by Dr. Cyrus Bandary.

Contact Dr. Cyrus Bandary Today for Your Cosmetic Consultation!

Dr. Cyrus Bandary and his knowledgeable team are committed to helping patients achieve their ideal smile while improving their oral health. We encourage you to call our Woodland Hills practice today to find out how our highly skilled and personalized cosmetic treatments can benefit you best today!